The amusing story of Fantastic Mr Fox from the world’s number one storyteller, Roald Dahl, has captivated children across the world for 40 years. The colourful jigsaw puzzle features a collage of brilliant and unmistakable illustrations from Sir Quentin Blake and is framed by renowned quotes from the children’s story including “Tell them they are invited to a fox’s feast’ and ‘Boggis, Bunce and Bean, one fat, one short, one lean’. There are six vibrant 250 piece puzzles in the Roald Dahl series to collect. The jigsaws star some of the author’s most renowned and well-loved characters: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, James and the Giant Peach, The BFG, Matilda and The Witches. The finished Fantastic Mr Fox puzzle measures 335mm x 496mm and is suitable for marvellous diggers aged 6 years old and over.
Safety warning: Not suitable for children under 36 months. Small Parts, choking hazard.
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University Games and Paul Lamond Games
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